Sarita Sarvate was born and raised in India and came to the U.S. to attend graduate school at U.C. Berkeley. Trained as a physicist, she began to write op-ed pieces for the Oakland Tribune because she could not find third world women’s voices in the media. Ms Sarvate has since hosted the “Eccentrics” radio show on the Pacifica network, served as a panelist on the New California Media TV show, participated in debates on the BBC, and written dozens of commentaries for the Pacific News Service. She is well known in the San Francisco Bay Area for her radio commentaries on the NPR affiliate KQED FM. Nationally syndicated in periodicals such as the Los Angeles Times, the San Jose Mercury News, the Baltimore Sun, the Arizona Sun Times, the San Francisco Examiner,, and several Spanish language newspapers, her perspectives on political and social issues have gained her the New California Media award for the best commentary, as well as hate mail. Her fiction has been published in magazines and an anthology and her book reviews have appeared in the Women’s Review of Books, the San Jose Mercury News, and India West. Her hard-hitting news reports for the Pacific News Service and India Currents have generated fan mail and irate letters to the editor. Her cross-cultural writing has evoked much controversy in the Indian immigrant community, on the margins of which she lives. She is currently exploring publishing options for her memoir titled Freedom Fighter. The original global villager, Ms Sarvate has lived in Hawaii and New Zealand and currently resides in Albany, CA.